2019 Women in Building Services: Arvinder Kaur, Shawmut Design and Construction

February 19, 2019 - Spotlights

Name: Arvinder Kaur

Title: Assistant Project Manager, Hospitality 

Company Name: Shawmut Design and Construction 

How many years have you been in your current field? 5 years 

List up to three CRE organizations that you are currently a member of: 

  • Rebuilding Together

What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months? 
I’m currently working on the TAK Room at Hudson Yards, a restaurant by chef Thomas Keller that will be on the fifth and sixth floors of The Shops. Working in a development the scale of Hudson Yards and on a restaurant with an extensive, state-of-the-art kitchen, there were logistical challenges that we as a team overcame. I’m proud and excited to see everything come together for the opening.

What trend(s) do you predict to dominate your industry in 2019? 
Technology is going to continue dominating the construction industry. The combination of real-time technology and data is going to propel the industry for the next few years, allowing more insight and access to jobs even when team members are off-site.

Which of your philanthropic endeavors are you most proud of? 
As part of Rebuilding Together, I was on a team (along with other Shawmut employees) that made a house ADA accessible for someone who had rapidly developed ALS and used a wheelchair. It was extremely rewarding to use my skills to help this family, whose house had previously been damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Throughout the experience, I was incredibly touched by their resilience and gratitude.

What does it mean to you to be a team player? 
Being honest and reliable with your team. If you plan ahead and have constant and open communication, you can accomplish great things.

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