2019 Women in Real Estate: Michelle Abramov, Asset Commercial Realty Group LLC

September 17, 2019 - Spotlights

Name: Michelle Abramov

Title: Managing Principal 

Company Name: Asset Commercial Realty Group LLC (AssetCRG) 

What is your favorite motivational quote? 
“You miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take.”

Who inspired you to join the CRE Industry? 
Ultimately, and I know it sounds cliché, my father’s passion for real estate and development naturally runs through my veins and I gave up law for real estate. My uncle and now business partner sponsored me and I never looked back at any other career.

How do you hold your own in a negotiation?
It ultimately depends who is across the table from you or on the other line. Every personality is different and as a salesperson its your job to adapt to their tactics and counter.

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