2019 Women in Real Estate: Marna Bernstein, Cullen and Dykman LLP

September 17, 2019 - Spotlights

Name: Marna Bernstein

Title: Partner

Company Name: Cullen and Dykman LLP

Association/Organization Affiliations (REAL ESTATE ONLY): Real Estate Institute at Stony Brook (Executive Officer on the Board of Directors)

What is your favorite motivational quote?
“You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through” ~ Roslyn Carter. It’s hard to pinpoint one “favorite” quote, as there are so many motivational quotes that have meanings to me in different aspects of my life. From a professional standpoint, as a woman in the workforce Roslyn Carter’s quote has particular meaning. 

What is the best advice you have received, and who was it from?
Prior to law school, I worked for RE developers where I was fortunate to have worked for strong female attorneys who, though their actions and advice, taught me to always be confident, prepared and never let anyone see my weaknesses. This advice has served me well during my successful career both in helping me rise to senior partner status at my firm and with my clients. 

How do you hold up in a negotiation? 
My mother always told me that she knew I would be a lawyer because I never let an argument die and always had to have the last word. I guess she was right. As an attorney, representing banks, financial institutions and real estate owners on a multitude of transactional matters, a large part of my job entails negotiating for my clients. I pride myself on having a keen ability to analyze and understand both sides of a position prior to starting any negotiation and believe that by putting myself in the shoes of my adversary, I am able to attain the best results. 

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