2019 Ones to Watch: Jacob Lewis, Skyline Properties

November 05, 2019 - Spotlights

Name: Jacob Lewis

Title: Investment Sales Professional

Company Name: Skyline Properties

Address: 220 E 42nd St Suite 3102, New York, NY 10017

What do you consider to be your greatest success in the past 12 months?
This past year, we were dealing with a multi-generational family trust who had substantial tax implications if they were to outright fee simple sale so we structed a ground lease, which still represents a great solution for owners who have protected a long term cash flow stream and also provides the most efficient tax structure. Though not easy, perseverance and hard work drove me to getting this done and made both parties satisfied.

Who or what do you attribute to your success?
I attribute my success, to my ability to think outside of the box. In an industry set with many standards, I have been able to find new ways to make deals happen and solve the many problems that arise. Many people will follow a simple path, but every seller and buyer have their own unique interests which must be settled to come to a mutual agreement between the parties. Once you figure that out, the job becomes much easier. 

What advice can you offer to someone who is just getting started in your industry?
Don’t get discouraged. This is a cut-throat industry with many firms for the same assets and it will take time. Someone new, just getting their feet wet, should first focus on understanding their own strengths and weaknesses. Focusing on your strengths is a good idea short term but focusing on your weaknesses will allow you to grow and learn from your mistakes long term. If you can focus on your weaknesses and not get discouraged, you will learn what it takes to be successful in this business. 

What was your favorite thing to do when you were a kid?
One word. Sports. Sports were my life and they still are although somewhat less now. What I gained from playing so many sports was something that took me a long time to realize. It gave me the ability to be able to learn from others, read peoples emotions, resiliency, and many more life lessons that I still take with me everywhere I go. Sports are a relief from normal life. They gave me a place to always have fun, no matter what was going on around me. 

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