2018 Women In Real Estate, Professional Services: Nicoletta Pagnotta, Meridian Capital Group

September 18, 2018 - Spotlights

Name: Nicoletta Pagnotta

Title: Senior Vice President

Company Name: Meridian Capital Group 

Real estate association / organization affiliation(s): CREW New York

What are some of your biggest accomplishments in the last 12 months?

This past June, I celebrated my 14th year at Meridian and became a senior vice president within the firm. The most exciting part of my role is delivering creative and cost-effective solutions that accomplish our clients’ unique goals. For example, the owner of a Central Park building needed to borrow significant funds to address various capital needs. Our team was able to put together a product that locked their interest rate based on the total amount, but allowed for multiple delayed funding tranches, saving them interest on money they didn’t immediately need. Earlier this year, we also arranged a $26 million second mortgage for a large Queens complex to complete various capital projects, and just this summer structured a seven-month forward rate lock for another prestigious Central Park co-op. 

In one word, describe yourself:


How many messages are in your inbox right now and how do you manage email?

Many clients have told me I operate like a private banker; they know they can reach me by email or cell just about any time of the day or night. Prioritizing emails is just as important as prioritizing workload. 

What do you do like to do for fun?

Spend time with my husband and darling toddler, enjoy great food, occasionally squeeze in a SoulCycle or barre class and escape the city whenever time allows. I like to rest and enjoy time outside whenever possible. 

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