Name: Lisa Radetsky
Title: Co-Chair, Real Estate Law Practice
Company Name: Phillips Nizer LLP
What are some of your biggest accomplishments in the last 12 months?
A significant portion of my practice involves development deals which generally take three to five years from the acquisition of the property until the completion of the building. One of the creative deals that I been working on, which closed recently, is a mixed-use development project in lower Manhattan, which will include a museum unit, a retail unit, and condominium residences. The project included a detailed and complex development agreement, which was negotiated over a period of many months.
How many messages are in your inbox right now and how do you manage email?
On a slow day, I may receive up to 100 emails. I check my emails regularly throughout the day and address items in order of priority–those that require an immediate response, those that require a considered response and then, those that involve issues that may be delegated. One of the most significant changes in the practice of law has been the rise of and dependence upon technology. Although technology has made my practice more demanding, it has also made it more efficient. While clients and others expect immediate responses to their questions, technology allows me to respond more expeditiously.
What blogs, resources, podcasts or influencers have helped you?
I read everything–Real Estate 360, The New York Real Estate Journal, The Real Deal, the New York Times Real Estate section—basically, anything I can get my hands on (or comes into my Inbox), including non-real estate-specific publications. I subscribe to a number of real estate-related digests, which provide a daily dose of information, particularly at the local and regional level. I also learned a great deal from Robert Levin and the late Neil Underberg who had both a depth of knowledge and expertise in real estate law and the business of real estate development.
How important is it for women to create a personal brand?
Real estate tends to be male-dominated industry; for that reason, it is especially important for women to develop a practice niche. I am incredibly fortunate to have been trained by excellent lawyers who were skilled technicians and savvy practitioners with a deep understanding of the business of real estate. Like them, I work to constantly educate myself to develop the same understanding of both the real estate market and the consumer—that goes beyond the legal acumen. Clients have high expectations that their lawyer has both the knowledge and expertise to develop creative solutions to their problems.
What do you like to do for fun?
I sing in a community choir. I enjoy spending time with my family. I also love to cook and entertain.
In one word, describe yourself:

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