2018 Women In Real Estate, Professional Services: Dale Siegel, Circle Mortgage Group

September 18, 2018 - Spotlights

Name: Dale Siegel 

Title: Owner

Company Name: Circle Mortgage Group 

What are some of your biggest accomplishments in the last 12 months? 

I completely streamlined the mortgage application and processing system I use. Technology, in the residential mortgage arena had a nice boost in the past few years, and I try to keep up with the changes. This go around, we upgraded the computer system, processing systems and streamlined everything. The result: an increase in revenue year over year directly related to these improvements.

How important is it for women to create a personal brand? 

The term personal brand can mean different things to different people. I think it matters what industry you are in and what your consumer or B to B exposure is. If you work in both arenas, you should ask if your consumer brand and your business brand ought to be the same. Probably not. For me, my brand has always been my expertise and reputation. Early in my career, I branded myself as the educator. My clients and my referral base know that with my service, they can count on a wealth of information. It is far from glamorous but have never changed it. 

What blogs, resources, podcasts or influencers have helped you? 

I read several industry related magazines and white papers and make sure to keep up with new products, lenders and tech vendors new to the industry. What helps influence my performance as a business owner is WIRED Magazine, Fast Company and Inc. Magazines. As a self-employed individual, I think it is imperative to understand my personal finances and take advantage of all investment vehicles for today while always planning for the future. 

How many messages are in your inbox right now and how do you manage email? 

908, today. I have terrible management skills with my inbox. I typically wait to do my purging when I’m on a plane. I think–I’ll move everything to a folder and organize them, but I can never get the inbox below 100-200. Every email is important to me. I have to work on that. 

What do you do like to do for fun? 

I travel. Travel is best learning tool, for all ages. 

In one word, describe yourself: 


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