2018 Women In Real Estate, Professional Services: Carrie Villani, LERA Consulting Structural Engineers

September 18, 2018 - Spotlights

Name: Carrie Villani

Title: Director of Marketing

Company Name: LERA Consulting Structural Engineers

Real estate association / organization affiliation(s): CREW NY, SMPS-NY, PWC, AIA-NY, The Architectural League

What are some of your biggest accomplishments in the last 12 months?

I am very proud to have helped LERA secure new contracts for important federal government work. The marketplace is very competitive but the structural engineering service we offer is exceptional creatively and technically. Through an intensive marketing effort working closely with our engineers we were able to help similarly minded clients win the contracts. To hear the words, “We need to hire more people.” was incredibly rewarding. I am also thrilled that more young engineers at LERA are getting involved with industry organizations, presenting at events and networking. I am happy to encourage and help guide their awesome work.

What blogs, resources, podcasts or influencers have helped you?

I always look forward to seeing Brent Robertson of Fathom speak whether it is at an informal gathering or he is doing the keynote presentation at a conference. He has helped to facilitate a number of marketing projects I have been involved with and his ideas are always interesting and fresh. He encourages looking at things in a new way and really analyzing what your long term future goals are. I enjoy his articles, insight and creative energy. His ideas are big but there are processes you can start using right away.

How many messages are in your inbox right now and how do you manage email?

For every single email that requires an action item or response I create a draft email right away. This automatically creates a prioritized folder for me to work on as needed. It also helps to draft an email and let is sit for a short time. Often an issue will resolve itself and your full email will be unnecessary. When everyone is constantly inundated with communication, finding ways to minimize and steamline that is very important. 

How important is it for women to create a personal brand?

I think it is important to everyone to be authentic to who they are, if this is how you work and live your true brand will shine through and be attractive to others. Being in marketing, I know it is important to highlight certain things in order to be memorable and resonate with others. If you are supporting a true interest and goal of your own, your message and brand will radiate with clarity. If you find something you love, your brand is already part of you.

What do you do like to do for fun?

Depeche Mode tour: Hollywood Bowl, Berlin, London and Estonia, the best music with my best friends in the world.

In one word, describe yourself: 


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