2018 Ones to Watch: Prince Addo, Senior Plumbing Engineer / Team Leader at AKF Group

May 15, 2018 - Spotlights

Name: Prince Addo

Title: Senior Plumbing Engineer / Team Leader

Company: AKF Group

Address: One Liberty Plaza, 165 Broadway, 22nd Floor, New York, NY 10006

Year that you entered your current field?  1998

How do you motivate or inspire your colleagues?

I motivate my team by giving them real-time scenarios on project-related issues, trying to determine the root cause of a problem, from installation problems and system overloads to systemic deficiencies. I also make an effort to incite discussion on problem solving and how to improve upon a specific engineering situation. The intent is to think outside the box, and initiate discussion and reasoning on engineering issues.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years, I hope to be a senior account executive and on track to partnership. I would definitely like to have an industry-wide reputation as a trusted technical engineer. 

How did you get your start in your current field?  

While an engineering student at the City College of New York (CCNY), an AKF partner – John Rice – made a presentation on campus that highly motivated and inspired me. After the presentation ended, we discussed the engineering field and all that it has to offer. He spoke to me about job opportunities and I immediately handed him my resume. He was highly impressed by my spontaneity and initiative. I interviewed for an internship, which evolved into a full time position. When I graduated in 2000, I was offered a permanent position in the plumbing and fire protection department.

What are your professional goals for 2018?

This year I am making an effort to personally bring in $0.5 million - $1 million of new business to AKF. I would also like increase my technical proficiency. As a part of AKF’s technical committee, I collaborate with several senior engineers to discuss code updates and establish engineering standards across the firm. In this position, I hope to broaden my understanding of the MEP field. 

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