Name: Kim Lovejoy
Title: Senior Business Developer
Company: EverGreene Architectural Arts
Address: 253 36th St., Suite 5C, Brooklyn NY 11232
Year that you entered your current field? 2000
How do you motivate or inspire your colleagues?
By showing excitement about great opportunities; modeling how to respond creatively to client needs; teaching people how to tackle new challenges; and being open about my mistakes and what to do about them.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
My burning desire in the final stretch of my career is to ally with ambitious MWBEs in the real estate or construction industry to promote their growth, after successfully building team capacity at EverGreene to continue the business.
Who or what do you attribute to your success?
Tenacity, optimism, integrity, attention to detail, and expertise in building restoration. Humbly seeking input from others to inform decisions that will be in the best interests of clients, our business, and the buildings we work on. And being a geek about project schedules to meet client deadlines.
What are your professional goals for 2018?
To continue as the go-to-person for well-thought-out contracts for interior restoration on the best historic buildings in the region; provide satisfying careers for EverGreene’s skilled project managers, craftsmen, conservators and artists; and exceed my sales goals by providing great value to our customers.
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