2018 Ones to Watch: Deborah Bey, Associate at Akerman LLP

May 15, 2018 - Spotlights

Name: Deborah Bey

Title: Associate

Company: Akerman LLP 

Address: 666 Fifth Avenue, 20th Floor, New York, New York 10103

Year that you entered your current field? 2012

How did you get your start in your current field? 

After graduating college I worked as an auditor for an accounting firm. My clientele primarily consisted of commercial real estate companies. As an auditor, I reviewed and documented the end result of transactions and focused little on the origin and development of the deal. I quickly discovered that I wanted to work on transactions in real time, as they were unfolding, and play a part in the outcome thereof, not document the results of the deal. Attending law school afforded me the opportunity to explore the various facets of real estate while transitioning into a field that allowed me to realize my career vision. 

How do you contribute to the future of your industry?

Being a change agent is how I contribute to the future of my industry. Asking insightful questions and seeking meaningful answers. Challenging the status quo and exploring new ways to perform existing tasks. Taking risks and stepping out of my comfort zone. Seeking new opportunities and finding lessons in all of my endeavors. Most of all, I contribute to the future of my industry by educating my junior colleagues about my experience and discussing the mark that I hope to leave on my field, while encouraging them to someday leave a mark of their own.

Who or what do you attribute to your success?

I realized early in my legal career that finishing the assigned work was only the foundation towards achieving success. In order to build on that foundation and truly become successful in my industry I needed to seek out opportunities, play a meaningful role in industry groups and affiliations, become active in the initiatives of my Firm and most importantly connect with not just legal professionals, but all professionals. Real estate, in one way or another, touches virtually every field and being proactive, seeking out challenges and developing solutions, and maintaining the flexibility and open-mindedness to evolve with this ever changing industry form the pillars on my foundation for success.

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