2017 Year in Review: John Krueger, Marcus & Millichap

December 19, 2017 - Spotlights

Name & Title: John Krueger, Regional Manager

Company Name: Marcus & Millichap

Address: 260 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013

What was your most notable project, deal, transaction or professional achievement in 2017?

With the New York investment sales market down about 44% year to date our local business is actually going to close about the same amount of transactions as we did in 2016. So even though the New York market moved backwards we were able to maintain and actually take more market share in the five boroughs.

What was the best decision you made in 2017 and why?

I wouldn’t just say it was one decision. A good year is made up of many good decisions. You have to have patience and persistence in a transitioning market so being consistent with your approach to your business is of paramount importance.

Who or what contributed to your success in 2017 and why?

I have always defined success as loving what you do and loving who you do it with. I’ve been fortunate enough to surround myself with not only what I think is the best investment sales team in the industry, but also people I genuinely enjoy being around in and outside of the office.

What trends will impact your business in 2018?

We have put a big emphasis on our capital markets departments. With fewer transactions in the New York market we are finding more owners looking to re-position and refinance their portfolios. Helping our clients with not only their investment sales needs but also speaking to their financing options will continue to be a focus in 2018.

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