2017 Year in Review: Bud Hammer, Atlantic Westchester, Inc.

December 19, 2017 - Spotlights

Name & Title: Bud Hammer, President 

Company Name: Atlantic Westchester, Inc. 

Address: 264 Adams Street Bedford Hills, NY 10507 

What was the best decision you made in 2017 and why? 

Earlier this year, Atlantic Westchester purchased a Linc Service Network franchise. Implementing the Linc Service model into our current commercial business was the best decision we made in 2017. It has allowed us to enhance and optimize our operation to improve the quality of HVAC service and maintenance we provide to our existing and future clientele in the NY metro area. 

We have joined a strong, qualified network of 170 contractors that will empower Atlantic Westchester to continue to work efficiently and provide superior service. 

Through the Linc Service Network, we have built a strong business foundation for 2018 and for years to come. 

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