2017 Year in Review: Amy Pearl, Silverback Development

December 19, 2017 - Spotlights

Name & Title: Amy Pearl, VP Development

Company Name: Silverback Development

Address: 40 W 57th St, 29th Floor   New York, NY 10019

What was your most notable project, deal, transaction or professional achievement in 2017?

My most notable project of 2017 is 67 Livingston. We structured and capitalized this deal during an interesting time to obtain construction loans, and work towards renovating this unique building in a prime Brooklyn location. The notoriety of this building stems from its character, which complements the neighborhood and those wanting to live in Brooklyn Heights. We have assembled an incredible team to transform this building into homes for individuals and families. Additionally, it’s Silverback’s introduction to Brooklyn and will be a successful project of many to come.


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