Castellano, Korenberg & Co., CPA’s
Name: Lisa Ricciardi
Title: Partner
Company Name: Castellano, Korenberg & Co., CPA’s
Years in real estate: 30
What real estate associations or organizations are you a member of? Construction Financial Management Association, Long Island Contractors Association, National Association of Women in Construction, New York City Surety Association, Regional Alliance for Small Contractors
How have you navigated obstacles to achieve success in your career? Throughout my career there have been a few obstacles that I have had to overcome but never those that made me question my career choice. It certainly has not been easy being one of the few female partners in a public accounting firm and the first female partner at CK & CO and my previous firm, but being named “partner,” was the ultimate goal for me. It validated all of the hard work, time, dedication and sacrifices I made to achieve my success. From being the female minority, health issues, to work-life balance and sometimes the lack thereof, I never let it get in the way of my career. I knew that I had to just keep moving forward and upward.
How do you play your strengths to your advantage in your career? I strongly believe you shouldn’t let anything stop you from achieving your goals, but you have to remember to look at the big picture. Take the time to talk to people, peers, clients, and listen to them. They are the main reason for my success–by taking the time to talk and listen to their concerns, I knew I had to find a way to help them, which in turned helped me. No matter how hard things are, try to find a way to accomplish it, and when you look back at your success or failure, you realize you can either be disappointed and learn nothing or laugh and recognize what you need to do differently the next time.
What trends are you seeing so far this year? There is a definite increase in the real estate industry for the good. Fair market values are increasing and there is a rise in new construction and spending.
What do you do for fun? I enjoy spending time on my boat and being in the water. I participate in various charities and environmental programs such as town of Oyster Bay W.A.K.E. U.P. which helps clean protect area waterways, the Interfaith Nutrition Network and Home Coming Farm.

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