2017 Women in Professional Services: Kathleen Bennett of Bond, Schoeneck & King PLLC

May 16, 2017 - Spotlights
Kathleen Bennett,
Bond, Schoeneck & King PLLC 

Name: Kathleen Bennett

Title: Partner

Company Name: Bond, Schoeneck & King PLLC 

Years in real estate: 20+

How have you navigated obstacles to achieve success in your career? It’s important to be flexible–not just in terms of scheduling–but also in your thinking. A flexible mind allows for creativity to solve problems and it allows you to let go of frustration and negativity. It’s also important to believe in yourself, be assertive in your opinions, and to stand up for yourself and demand equal treatment in situations where you find yourself being treated differently than your male counterparts.

How do you play your strengths to your advantage in your career? I have never been afraid to dig in and become invested in the work. Clients appreciate it when their attorneys are a part of the team who believe in and are committed to the success of the project. I am also a huge sports person, which helps me interact on a social level with male clients.

What trends are you seeing so far this year? Connectedness is important, more mixed-use/planned unit developments, residential and commercial redevelopment in cities or existing communities with a shift away from developing suburban greenfields,

What do you do for fun? Yoga, playing/reading with my child, cooking, baking, wine and hard cider tasting, rock concerts.

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