2017 Women in Professional Services: Helene Pangalos of Law Office of Helene Pangalos, PC

May 16, 2017 - Spotlights
Helene Pangalos,
Law Office of
Helene Pangalos, PC

Name: Helene Pangalos, Esq.

Title: Attorney

Company Name: Law Office of Helene Pangalos, PC

Years in real estate: 20+

What real estate associations or organizations are you a member of? Commercial Real Estate Women of NY, Business Network International – Millennium Chapter, Business Lawyers Group, Hellenic American Bankers Association, Hellenic Lawyers Association, Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce.

How have you navigated obstacles to achieve success in your career? I navigate obstacles by switching gears and seeing the obstacle as an opportunity to act in a different manner or respond differently. I step back and rethink the issue. I decide what the ultimate goal is, and then break it down to the lowest common denominator and figure out how I get there step by step. For instance, if I’m not getting the response to an issue directly from party A, my work around is to seek the answers by working through others with knowledge - parties B&C.

How do you play your strengths to your advantage in your career? I like people, so I am at my best when I’m speaking to, and working with, my clients to achieve their objective – buying, selling or leasing. I enjoy what I do and it reflects in my work. I try to work through most issues, but I also know when to refer my colleagues when the topic is their strength or collaborate when possible. Finally, I leave time to listen to clients, colleagues, and adversaries, as I find that I learn more from listening then talking! I’m also organized and descriptive in emails which clients appreciate.

What trends are you seeing so far this year? There was a noticeable lull around the election that carried into the first quarter of the new year, but the spring weather has brought an uptick and an urgency in getting deals done quickly now. Deals that faltered early this year have come back at stronger numbers and there’s immediacy surrounding all deals as NYC remains an epicenter of where many want to live and work. 

What do you do for fun? Planning events and enjoying “all things NY”–concerts, ballets, ball games, Hi-Line, US Open. I also love traveling domestically and internationally.

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