2017 Women in Building Services: Patricia Simone, Simone Management Group

October 17, 2017 - Spotlights

Name: Patricia Simone

Title: President, Simone Management Group

Company Name: Simone Development Companies 

Years in real estate: 10

What real estate associations or organizations are you a member of? March of Dimes Real Estate Committee Westchester, the YMCA of Greater New York Development Committee, BOMA Westchester and Westchester Business Counsel Board Member

How have you navigated obstacles to achieve success in your career? 

As a female minority in a male-dominated industry, I found further confidence through obtaining my Master’s Degree in Real Estate Development at the NYU Shack Institute of Real Estate and would recommend it to any young person that is dedicated to growth in the industry. I also never looked at being a woman in the “man’s world” of commercial real estate and construction as a negative – at times I still get the funny or surprised look at initial meetings or construction sites, but feel that it is actually easier to stand out and be remembered as the woman in room full of male suits! I’ve found that the bottom line is that it just doesn’t really matter, as long as you work hard and get results.

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