2016 Women in Real Estate: Sara Rubenstein

June 21, 2016 - Spotlights
Sara Rubenstein, Simone Development Companies Sara Rubenstein, Simone Development Companies

Name: Sara Rubenstein

Title: Vice President and General Counsel

Email: [email protected] 

Years in real estate: 15 years

Company Name: Simone Development Company 

Year Founded: The business was founded about 30 years ago. 

URL: www.simdev.com

Telephone: (718) 215-3000

How did you get your start in real estate?

My first job out of college was as a financial analyst for a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT). I worked in finance for the REIT for three years before attending law school. I knew from a young age that I wanted to be a lawyer, but I wanted to have some work experience before attending law school. It was this experience where I developed a love of real estate, and after law school I became a real estate lawyer.

What real estate associations or organizations are you a member of?

I am a member of CREW NY, and have been involved in AIPAC’s Real Estate Committee and NYC Bar Association’s Construction Law Committee.

What recent project or transaction are you most proud of?

I am currently working on a major transaction for the company that will have a significant impact on the Bronx and will include approximately 2 million s/f of mixed-use development. I have been fortunate to have been involved in some fantastic projects around the City throughout my career, but this will certainly be among the highlights.

What recent honor, achievement or recognition has meant the most to you and why?

I was honored by ENR Magazine as a “Top 20 under 40.” That was an incredible honor. I am also a mother to an amazing daughter who is almost six-years-old and an 11-month old son. This is definitely the greatest personal achievement, and I am so proud of them. They are truly amazing kids.

What have been some of the benefits of being a mentor or having a mentor?

The mentor-mentee relationship is one of the most important relationships anyone can have career-wise. Having a mentor enables someone at any stage in their career to learn, grow and move ahead. A person may have numerous mentors throughout his or her career, but having someone more senior to look to for advice and guidance is instrumental in achieving success. On the other hand, being a mentor to someone else is an incredible experience. It is wonderful to teach someone else a skill or to offer them advice and the benefit of your perspective. And you learn so much in the process! I have found both having a mentor and mentoring someone else to be a very valuable, rewarding experience, and I have formed incredible relationships through this process.

Who or what has been the strongest influence on your career and why?

My parents have been the strongest influence on my career. The instilled in me very strong values and an incredible work ethic, and they are truly responsible for every success I have achieved. My Mom always taught me that I could achieve anything I put my mind to, and my drive and determination really derives from her. With everything I do, it is always a goal of mine to make my family proud.

What time management strategies do you find to be the most effective for you?

I find it most important to be organized and efficient. I keep a working to-do list of all active matters. I also make daily to-do lists, prioritizing work for myself.

What is the best advice you have received and who was it from?

There is a sentence in the Talmud that translates as “Know before whom you stand,” and I keep this at the forefront of my mind. It helps me keep everything in perspective. It is a preeminent religious principle, but it applies in business as well. You should always be prepared and know as much about the business and people you are working with as you can.

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