Nadine Cino, Tyga-Box Systems, Inc.

December 22, 2014 - Spotlights

Nadine Cino, Tyga-Box Systems, Inc.

What was the best thing that happened to you or your firm in 2014?
Tyga-Box is a Winner of the 2014 Brava Awards in recognition for being a growing company lead by a woman. For myself personally, I won a scholarship to the IESE Business School in Barcelona, one of the top ranked international business schools in the world for executive training in scaling and growing our company globally.
What was your most notable project, deal, transaction or personal achievement in 2014?
Making an initial and highly successful presentation to a global telephony company with regards to our disruptive asset tracking technology such that we're in ongoing discussions to finalize our deal.
What are you looking forward to accomplishing in 2015?
Launching Tyga-Trax - mobile security and asset tracking for assets on the move. This will represent over a decade of tireless effort waiting for technology to catch up to our vision.
What are some of your real estate predictions for 2015?
Continued high growth of such shared space arrangements such as "We Work."
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