Marinas of Janover LLC: "Nothing is impossible, it's all possible"

October 27, 2014 - Spotlights

Nancy Marinas, Janover LLC

Name: Nancy Marinas, CPA
Title: Principal
Company name: Janover LLC
Years in Com. RE: 16
In the last 12 months, which project, transaction, honor or accomplishment are you most proud of and why?
I am most proud of being promoted to a Principal in the firm I work at, Janover LLC. It reinforced my belief that if you work hard, have a good work ethic and exude a positive attitude you will be rewarded for your efforts. At my company, this couldn't be truer. I am so excited about what the future in the firm holds for me and I will be working hard to make sure it happens!
What are your biggest fears when you started out in your profession?
My worst fear when I started my accounting career was disappointing my parents. You see, they both worked seven days a week in order to provide me with the tools to help me succeed in life. So when I started working I promised myself to use my parents as role models and to make certain they understood how much their sacrifices meant to me.
What was your first job and what did you learn from it?
You can say that my first job was working in the family business which was a small grocery store. I started in my early teens and I learned the ins and outs of running a business which I apply in my daily life. The experience was a stepping stone to the world of business and it helped me to decide what I aspired to be. I was always intrigued about the buying/selling process and when I understood the concept of profit, I was hooked.
What is your favorite quote?
My favorite quote is... "Nothing is impossible, it's all possible."
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