Zere of Zere Real Estate: "Lead or get out of my way"

October 27, 2014 - Spotlights

Michelle Marie Zere, Zere Real Estate Services

Name: Michelle Marie Zere
Title: Executive Vice President
Company Name: Zere Real Estate Services
Years in Commercial Real Estate: 29
What was your first job and what did you learn from it?
I was 11 years old and became the listing girl in my mother's office in Great Neck, Nassau County before computers in the commercial real estate industry ever even had a listing system like Loopnet or Costar.
What I learned was invaluable, organization, zoning, economic development, buildings, business parks, map reading, dealing with landlords, developers, industry sales people and brokers, etc.
Also my mother made me clean out the garbage cans in the office at the end of each day so the others brokers did not steal deals from each other or so the cleaning company did not sell our leads to our competition.
What is your favorite quote:
"Lead or get out of my way."
Who are the three women living or dead- that you would want to have drinks with & why?
All three of the ladies I have chosen would surely having you spit your drink out of your mouth from laughter.
Marie Zere, CEO & President, Zere Real Estate Services - my mother, a pioneer for women in the industry, a great lady, beautiful person, knowledgeable, does not take anything for granted and her word is her bond. She is one tough "Broad" and can cut any wise guy down to size at a conference table cutting a deal.
Mae West, Movie Star - She knew what it meant to be a women and the power that it held
Joan Rivers, Comedienne - The funniest lady with veils of truth in all of her humor -she said things most people only thought of and helped women by bringing to light feminist issues with humor and making men cringe in the process.

What are you doing differently in 2014
I got off my computer.
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