25 Year Anniversary Q&A: Nancy Wood

August 26, 2014 - Spotlights

Nancy Wood, ABS Partners Real Estate, LLC

Name: Nancy Wood
Title: Financial Analyst
Company: ABS Partners Real Estate, LLC
Year Founded: 2000
Years with Company: 2
Years in real estate industry: 23
Q: The approximate year you discovered the NYREJ and what business you were in at the time:
A: I started reading the NY Real Estate Journal while in my previous position with Cushman & Wakefield, and it quickly became clear that it was a must to keep up with news, opinion and opinion-makers. Keeping informed is crucial to performing any job, and NYREJ has been invaluable. I continue to relish the news even as I have moved on to my current post with ABS Partners.
Q: Your most memorable or favorite "15 minutes of fame" in the NYREJ:
A: My 15 minutes came through NYCREW Network, the New York chapter of Commercial Real Estate Women, of which I am a founding member. I was the first treasurer in 2001, and returned to that post this year. I originally joined NYCREW to become involved with an international network of women in real estate, and took on a leadership role so I would not be in the background. Even in roles that function best behind the scenes, some visibility is important both to your own career and to your company. People prefer to do business with professionals they know, even if it is just by reputation and through the media. Appearing in NYREJ's photos of NYCREW events kept my company and me more top of mind for our clients.
That was especially driven home to me when the Journal featured me as a NYCREW member, with a photo, in 2010. I was instantly more familiar to serious professionals outside my immediate sphere, and prompted others to check back in. Those relationships are stronger today as a result, and the only thing as important as location, location, location in real estate is "relationships, relationships, relationships!"
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