E.W. Howell completes 45,000 s/f library for Town of Greenburgh

January 27, 2009 - Spotlights

The Town of Greenburgh's new library

E.W. Howell Co., Inc. recently completed The Town of Greenburgh's new library which opened to the public on December 15, 2008. This project consisted of doubling the existing building's square footage from 22,500 s/f to 45,000 s/f while upgrading the existing library to house a collection of 186,000 items, including books, periodicals, DVDs, videos, CDs and audio books. Although not LEED certified, the building has sustainable features including:
* An underground closed loop Geothermal System which lowers day to day heating and cooling costs for a long term savings.
* Automatically controlled lighting that dims the lights in the main reading room in the daytime and save electricity.
* Local materials which helped to reduce trucking costs.
* A lobby floor made from recycled rubber tires.
Beatty, Harvey & Associates designed the new library which includes 28-foot glass walls and a curving roofline on its new eastern wing, a 140-foot-long reading room, and a cantilevered canopied roof over the main entrance.
The prominent building is situated on a major traffic artery (I-287) in Westchester County, and after a 22-month renovation stands ready to offer programs to the Greenburgh community for years to come.
E.W. Howell is one of the oldest construction firms working in the NYC metropolitan region. The firm was created in 1891 and over the years has been involved in a diverse group of projects in the area and has consistently remained a strong contender in the marketplace.
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