Henry Vargas is bringing beauty to Harlem through revitalizing and developing one property at a time

June 23, 2008 - Spotlights

Henry Vargas

Henry Vargas and his father, Victor, in front of 140 West 111th St., their first building acquired in 1979.

Henry Vargas in front of his property, 2141 Lenox Ave.

Henry Vargas and his father Victor onsite where the Noble will be.

Henry Vargas, one of the youngest real estate moguls in the city, is not only CEO of Vargas Realty Group, LLC, but an innovative businessman. Henry's tenacity and drive has led to distinguished projects, past and present, while re-establishing the Harlem community as a lucrative investment area for real estate development and for its residents.
Born and raised in the Central Park North area of New York City, Henry has maintained and pioneered a family heirloom vested in revitalizing Harlem "one property at a time." As a youth, Vargas worked alongside his father, Victor Vargas, in all areas of building management. Learning from his father, a former superintendent and future property owner of the once notorious dwellings in Harlem, Henry understands the real estate industry as a tenant, property manager, and developer. From the positive beliefs that Victor Vargas held onto while establishing the Harlem neighborhood despite years of drug infestation, crime and hopelessness, Henry remains ingrained within pushing the goals of this communal vision forward.
Henry's father, Victor, came to the U.S. from Noble in the Dominican Republic in pursuit of the great American dream. Victor's great ambition and savvy business capabilities led him to gain interest in a residential portfolio more than 20 years ago. Henry upholds his father's legacy by rehabilitating an entire community; He brings innovative vision to the livelihood of the city with his Harlem Luxury Living initiative.
"The mission of Harlem Luxury Living is to provide an invaluable service to the communities of Harlem through affordable housing. Each development offered is not only affordable, but luxury housing where residents can expect a quality of life for unprecedented rates," said Henry. Beginning the process of revitalization in the late 1970s, Harlem Luxury Living concept stems from the vision of a beautiful, safe and economically healthy Harlem. From the first property, acquired on February 23, 1979, Henry helped acquire a range of real estate in the early 1990s, leading to the assets the Vargas portfolio consists of today.
With an impressive residential portfolio, Vargas Realty Group runs over 12 properties in the city where, together, about 1,000 units are dedicated to market and affordable housing. In restoring Harlem's history, Henry is committed towards developing affordable housing in his community while preserving its natural beauty. Deeply vested in "bringing back the beauty to Harlem with unique developments," the real estate entrepreneur has been magnificent in upholding the work that began with his father who saw Harlem as it is today, a beautiful and affordable district essential to city residents above 96th St. It is this unparalleled drive that spearheads Harlem Luxury Living. Learning the business from the ground up, living in the neighborhood with his family before it became "trendy," and having an inherent eye for value, Henry understands how development can contribute to the quality of life of its residents. Side-by-side, Henry worked with his father Victor, who still is managing all the properties and continues today by administratively guiding Vargas Realty into major development deals, receiving community approval and praise, and acclaim for his work.
Henry stands firm in restoring communities, and regenerating pride and value in the Harlem real estate market. An active member of the Real Estate Board of New York and the National Notary Association, and partnered with Fidelity Trust Realty, 2141 MD.JR, LLC and the NYC Dept. of Housing Preservations & Development, he is revitalizing the Harlem market and helping to sustain local communities.
With this revitalization Vargas Realty strives to develop architectural pillars for and replenish residential areas in various communities. Acquiring property, working with community boards, investors and the city, Henry envisions Harlem as a thriving community where residents can have both luxury and affordable housing. It is through this working process that Vargas Realty has made immense changes, enhancing the quality of life for many.
Victor Vargas is the true example of how a hard days work, passion, a clear vision and true determination will pay off in the U.S. His work in the community will forever be the subject of conversation for many years to come in Harlem. Henry Vargas is determined to bring the unique beauty and essence of Harlem to its residents through revitalizing, and developing affordable luxuries, one property at a time.
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