2019 Ones to Watch: Anthony Celifarco, Prime Real Estate Advisors

April 16, 2019 - Spotlights

Name: Anthony Celifarco

Title: Vice President

Company Name : Prime Real Estate Advisors

Year that you entered your current field? 2014

List up to three CRE organizations that you are currently a member of:

  • Merchants Circle

What do you consider to be your greatest professional accomplishment in the past 12 months?

Starting my own investment sales team, Prime Real Estate Advisors. It was always my goal to start my own firm, and to see it materialize so quickly is absolutely amazing. 

Who or what do you attribute to your success?

My father who was always very hardworking and smart but didn’t have as many opportunities as others. Still, he worked countless jobs to support himself through college and medical school and now is one of the premiere physicians in New York. My work ethic is a direct result of what I’ve learned from my dad.

What advice can you offer to someone who is interested in a career in your industry?

Someone is always going to be smarter or more connected than you are, but there is no excuse for someone to work harder than you. If this is your mantra then there is no question in my mind that you will be successful in any business pursuit you have.

Who are some leaders that you admire and why? ?

Jonathan Anapol, he had enough faith in me to bring me on board to start his investment sales team for which I will be forever grateful. There is also no question in my mind that Jon has continued to be successful for the 25 years he has been in the business because he is committed to the long-term success of his clients and business associates.

If you have a mentor, who is it and how have they influenced your personal & professional growth?

Anthony Scaramucci is someone who has definitely influenced me both personally and professionally. He is truly a testament to why you should never rest on your laurels. Often people in his position get complacent and stop taking risks, but he has cemented the idea in my head that that mentality simply doesn’t allow you to grow both personally and professionally. 

How have your life experiences impacted who you are professionally?

Your character is simply an amalgam of all of your prior experiences both good and bad. Growing up, more times than I’d like to admit I found myself on the opposite side of a good decision but I always had good moral compass. The mistakes I made molded me into who I am today and I pride myself on learning from my poor decisions, never making the same mistake twice and always striving to be a good person in all facets of life. If you’re honorable and operate with integrity it will pay dividends throughout your entire career. 

What was your favorite thing to do as a kid?

Compete. Whether in an elementary school science fair, gym class badminton or high school varsity sports. My favorite thing to do as a kid was compete.

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