2018 Ones to Watch: Yisroel Pershin, Associate Director, Investment Sales at GFI Realty Services, LLC

May 15, 2018 - Spotlights

Name: Yisroel Pershin

Title: Associate Director, Investment Sales

Company: GFI Realty

Address: 140 Broadway, 41st Floor, New York, NY 10005

Year that you entered your current field? 2006

Who or what do you attribute to your success ?

Much of my success in the industry can be attributed to the team I’m surrounded by. As brokers, we each have a diverse mix of skilled brokers with different backgrounds - we all bring something different to the table, and we learn from each other every day. The strong connections and industry relationships I’ve developed over the years have been very helpful, and I’d like to think that my hard work and dedication are also major factors.

How do you manage the work/life balance?

Because of the nature of the industry, this is something that continues to be difficult – like most advisors, I often feel pressure to put in a lot of time outside of business hours. For me, I’ve found that focusing a lot of time and energy during the work week (Monday through Friday) allows me to be more hands-off over the weekend and pursue other interests. Additionally, I try and anticipate challenges and think outside-the-box to avoid hurdles down the line.

How did you get your start in your current field? 

I’ve always had a soft spot for architecture and development, and that was a big part of what led me to real estate. My brother worked for a large developer - that showed me that real estate could be a rewarding career and inspired me to begin working in the industry back in 2006. Once I started in the business, my passion only grew, and it’s still what keeps me motivated to this day.

How do you motivate or inspire your colleagues?

Mentorship is a huge part of the culture within GFI Realty; I try to motivate and inspire colleagues by allowing junior brokers to shadow me so they can see firsthand how I interact with buyers and sellers and handle different situations. I make sure to set a good example for the rest of the team by working hard and being persistent. I also believe strongly in the younger brokers’ ability to do well if they put in the work – and this helps to give them the confidence they need to succeed.

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