Professional Profile: William Kimmerle 2016

Name: William Kimmerle - 2016
Title: Senior Associate
Company: Kimmerle Group
Location: 37 W. 20th St., New York, NY
Birthplace: Morristown, NJ
Education: Rhode Island School of Design, M.Arch; Washignton University in St. Louis, B.Arts; University College, London
First job outside of real estate: Dishwasher
First job in real estate or allied field: Intern Architect
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I lead Urban Studio, a component of our firm focused on design, planning and architectural assignments for developers, institutions, and corporations. I also lead our firm’s planning and zoning practices, and oversee our FF&E procurement component, Kimmerle Workspace. I look forward to the evolution of Kimmerle Group, and it’s exciting to look ahead to what our firm will be about in five, ten, twenty years. I’m excited about expanding the firm’s footprint with tri-state developers, and expanding the firm’s work to non-profit clients.
How do you unwind from a busy day? Dinner with my Italian-born wife in our home in Hoboken, or out with my camera (I’m an avid film and digital photographer).
Favorite book or author: “Too Big to Fail,” Andrew Ross Sorkin
Favorite movie: “Hud” with Paul Newman, Melvyn Douglas, Patricia Neal
Last song you purchased/downloaded? “Let’s Stay Together,” Al Green
One word to describe your work environment: Open
Rules to live by in business: Fairness – fairness to colleagues, clients, competitors. It’s the only way to sleep soundly at night.
What is your dream job? A client who lets their project tell a story. Any project can be more than buildings, and at its best, design makes an entire project contain meaning.