Professional Profile: William Hanauer 2014

Name: William Hanauer - 2014
Title: Mayor
Company: Village of Ossining
Location: Ossining, N.Y.
Birthplace: New York, N.Y.
Education: BA, Queens College, CUNY First job outside of real estate: Entertainment Industry First job in real estate or allied field: Albert P. Schatz Realty What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I am the four-term incumbent Mayor, running for re-election in November Favorite book or author: The history plays of Shakespeare. Favorite movie: "A Night at the Opera" Last song you purchased/downloaded? "Somebody That I Used to Know" One word to describe your work environment: Concentrated Rules to live by in business: Treat everyone with respect; Listen; Be open to all, especially those with constructive criticism; Try to find mutually advantageous solution to disagreements and problems; Fight for your beliefs; Take chances; Treat employees and colleagues well, recognizing excellent work, talent, and dedication; Work as hard or harder than those who work for and you; Learn and Teach. If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead) who would it be and where would you go? W. H. Auden; my favorite restaurant, La Corte Sconta in Venice What is your dream job? Artistic director of an opera company How do you unwind from a busy day? I read books about architecture and history, as well as plays I go to the opera, theater or movies, or watch news, series or cooking shows on TV. I am active in rehabilitation of the incarcerated through the arts. I occasionally participate in a local theater laboratory. I am a member of a volunteer fire company. I volunteer with the American Field Service, interviewing local high school students, who wish to study abroad, acting as liaison between foreign students, the AFS and the Department of State, and as host father, serially to five exchange students. I also cook.