Professional Profile: Walter Donzila 2001

Name: Walter Donzila - 2001
Title: Regional Sales Manager— New York State
Company: Select Energy, Inc.
Location: Headquarters in Berlin, Connecticut
Birthplace: Weymouth, MA, 1956
Family: Wife - Marilyn College: BS-Mechanical Engineering, Masters — Nuclear Engineering, Cornell University; Registered Professional Engineer & ANSI Qualified Lead Nuclear Auditor First Job Outside of Real Estate: Manufacturing Engineer for Texas Instruments, 1978 What Do You Do Now and what are you planning for the future? Responsible for managing Select Energy, retail book in electricity, natural gas and energy services. Future plans are to be a leading marketer of energy and services in New York Hobbies: Golf, boating, scuba diving, and astronomy Favorite Book: Those authored by Robert Ludlum and Clive Cussler Favorite Movie: "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" Person you most admire (outside of family): George Bush, Sr. Key to Success: Having a strong and workable business plan that drives Select Energy to success in New York If you were to choose another vocation what would it be? Novelist