Professional Profile: Vincenzo Amato 2018

Name: Vincenzo Amato
Title: Partner & Co-Founder
Company: TEK Realty Advisors LLC (TEKRA)
Location: Astoria, NY
Birthplace: Flushing, NY
Education: Queen College, BA in Economics
First job: Flower shop & greenhouse
First job in real estate or allied field: Sales associate at Harvest International
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future?:I’m currently a partner at TEKRA, we are a commercial real estate company with a focus in the NYC outer boroughs. My focus and plan is to help grow the company while staying ahead of the curve and adapting to changes within the industry.
How do you unwind from a busy day?:I like to unwind by watching sports, usually basketball.
Favorite book or author: “The Little Engine That Could”
Favorite movie: “Casino”
Last song/album that you purchased/downloaded?:”Daytona”
One word to describe your work environment: Competitive
Rules to live by in business: I give you respect, I expect the same thing.
What is your dream job? Day trader