Professional Profile: Tyler Cukar 2018

Name: Tyler Cukar
Title: Associate
Company: FXCollaborative
Location: New York, NY
Birthplace: Kansas City
Education: Bachelors of Architecture (University of Arkansas), Masters in Urban Design (Columbia University)
First job outside of real estate: Subway Restaurant
First job in real estate or allied field: HNTB, working on urban transit architecture
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I am an Urban designer/planner at FXCollaborative where I help guide many large-scale, multi-generational master plans in the Northeast, specifically in New York City and Philadelphia. I am also passionate about furthering social and racial equity through design. I do this work through writing, speaking and teaching to students and other professionals in the design and real estate industry.
How do you unwind from a busy day? Walks through my Lefferts Gardens neighborhood with my wife and our two year old puppy.
Favorite book or author: “The Great Inversion”
Favorite movie: “Tommy Boy“
Last song you purchased/downloaded? “Brazilian Breeze” by Pete Rock
One word to describe your work environment: Driven
Rules to live by in business: Don’t base your performance off the performance of others.
What is your dream job? I’m a drummer, so I’d say a professional musician.