Professional Profile: Tom Fountain 2001

Name: Tom Fountain - 2001
Title: V.P. of leasing and national accounts
Company: Natapow Management
Location: Rochester, N.Y.
Birthplace: Harrisburg, Penn., 1959
Family: Married with 3 children College: West Virginia University First job outside of real estate: Xerox Corporation, sales First job in real estate or allied field: Property manager for RDS in Virginia What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Handle most major accounts. Interested in leasing space in Natapow/Spall Properties. For the future: I would like to see our commercial real estate portfolio grow and continue to lead the Rochester class A market. Hobbies: Avid golfer, coaching sports, car enthusiast Favorite book: "Key to Rebecca" Favorite movie: “Hunt for Red October" Person you most emulate (outside of family): Rich Fried Key to success: Only do what you would do on the courthouse steps; be consistent If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Pro golfer