Professional Profile: Timothy Sudweeks 2016

Timothy Sudweeks - 2016

Name: Timothy Sudweeks - 2016

Title: Associate

Company: FXFOWLE

Location: New York/Washington, D.C.

Birthplace: London, UK

Education: Architectural Association AA Diploma, Columbia University Masters AAD

First job outside of real estate: Pizza delivery

First job in real estate or allied field:

What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Currently, I’m overseeing a residential tower through construction as well as a large occupied green roof project in Manhattan. And, I hope to create my own passive house.

How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate? Reading sci-fi novels, painting, and sketching

Favorite book or author: Just read Neil Stephenson’s “Seveneves”

Favorite movie: “Blade Runner” 

Last song you purchased/downloaded? I listen to Zane Lowe on Beats 1

One word to describe your work environment: Flexible

Rules to live by in business: Push to your personal limit

If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead) who would it be and where would you go? My wife. At the local pub.

What is your dream job? Architect