Professional Profile: Thomas Thaney 2009

Name: Thomas Thaney - 2009
Title: Sales Manager and President of NAIOP
Company: WebTitle Agency
Location: 69 Cascade Dr., Knowlton Building, Ste. 202, Rochester, NY 14614
Birthplace: Rochester, NY
Family: Married to Mary Jane; 3 children: Dr. Maxwell Thaney, Michael Thaney and Katlin Thaney College: Walsh University, N. Canton, Ohio, BA, Finance First job outside of real estate: Packaging sales rep for St. Joe Paper Co., Rochester First job in real estate or allied field: Sales representative for Public Abstract Corporation, Division of First American Corporation of New York What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? WebTitle is a full-service title agency currently servicing the entire NYS market with current plans to expand its marketing area to other states. We are very proud of our quick turn around service that we provide to any county in NYS. Hobbies: Golf, hiking, swimming, fishing and camping Favorite book: Any Grisham or Ludlum novel Persons you admire most (outside of family): Ronald Reagan, County Executive Maggie Brooks and Mayor Duffy Key to success: To provide a positive work environment which leads to increased productivity and great service to our customers. If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? A business or economics teacher or lawyer and help people to become more self-sufficient and less dependent on the government.