Professional Profile: Thomas Thaney 2008

Name: Thomas Thaney - 20008
Title: Senior Sales Representative
Company: Public Abstract Corporation
Location: 16 West Main St., Rochester, NY 14614
Birthplace: Rochester, NY
Family: Married 34 years; wife, Mary Jane; children: May, Michael, Kaitlin College: BA, Finance, Walsh University, N. Canton, Ohio First job outside of real estate: Packaging sales, St. Joe Paper Co., 1970 First job in real estate or allied field: Public Abstract Corp., Title Insurance since 2003 What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Our firm provides search and title products to the Upstate residential and commercial real estate markets. We are also a division of First American Title Corp. and are currently offering national service to our market area. Hobbies: Golf, fishing, camping Favorite book: Any Grisham novel Favorite movie: National Treasure movies Persons you admire most (outside of family): Maggie Brooks, Rush Limbaugh, Ronald Reagan Keys to success: Networking, educational organizations and seminars, charity work If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Theater, entertainment industry