Professional Profile: Tanner McGraw 2016

Name: Tanner McGraw - 2016
Title: Founder and CEO
Company: Apto
Location: Denver, CO
Birthplace: Alexandria, LA
Education: BS, Business Mgmt & Entrepreneurship - Louisiana Tech First job in real estate or allied field: Investment Associate at Marcus & Millichap What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? We focus on the core workflow of the commercial real estate brokerage world: CRM, deal management, and back office solutions. We’re excited about pushing the envelope with product innovation as we move forward. How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate? I enjoy spending time with my family and working on a ‘76 Datsun 280z in the garage. Favorite book or author: I’m a big fan of Jim Collins’ “Built to Last,“ Jared Diamond’s “Guns,“ “Germs and Steel,“ and Matt Ridley’s “The Red Queen.“ Favorite movie: “Pulp Fiction“ Last song you purchased/downloaded? Streaming a “Code Your Face Off” curated playlist. It’s a pretty terrible instrumental “music” that happens to be excellent for tuning out and getting a lot done. One word to describe your work environment: Collaborative Rules to live by in business: “The first rule is you must not fool yourself” - Richard Feynman. I think self-awareness tends to remove most obstacles to success. If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead, but not related to you) who would it be and where would you go? Richard Branson and Necker Island. What is your dream job? Building a SpaceX-like company focused on commercialization of space. It’s what will drive exploration elsewhere in the solar system.