Professional Profile: Susan Bloom 2001

Name: Susan Bloom - 2001
Title: Manager, market research and public relations
Company: Advance Transformer Company (division of Philips Electronics, North America)
Location: Rosemont, Ill.
Birthplace: New York, N.Y., 1967
Family: Husband, Jon College: Cornell University First job outside of real estate: Have never worked directly in the real estate field. However, continuously work with real estate professionals, property managers, building designers, and specifiers to promote the use of energy-efficient lamps, ballasts, and lighting control products as well as upgrade opportunities in general. What do you do now and what are you planning in the future? Currently manage the market research and public relations functions for Advance Transformer Company, a leading manufacturer of ballasts for fluorescent and HID lamps. Would like to continue to drive communications and educational efforts on the benefits of energy-efficient upgrades within corporate America. Favorite book: “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" Person you admire most (outside of family): My boss and mentor for the past 10 years, Jack Briody Key to success: Work “smart” and always be prepared If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Rock star!