Professional Profile: Stephen Ackerman 1990

Name: Stephen Ackerman - 1990
Title: Principal
Company: ASA Collaborative
Birthplace: Brooklyn, N.Y. - August 5, 1949
Education: BFA Pratt Institute ‘71 Marital Status: Married Children: Two Automobile: Porsche Taga 911 Hobbies/Sports: Racquetball, camping trips Favorite Music: 101.9 Favorite Movie: Coming to America Favorite Food: Hamburgers and tuna fish Most Recent Book Read: “Berenstein Bears” to my six year old son Person You Most Respect: Wife First Job: ISD Inc. Community Involvements: Architectural Review Board Most Important Deal or Event: Development of my own business Personal or Business Goal: Retire with a lot of $ in the bank Current Activity: Renovation and restoration of my recently purchased 80 year old house.