Professional Profile: Shannon McFayden 2005

Name: Shannon McFayden - 2005
Title: Head of Corporate and Community Affairs
Company: Wachovia Corporation
Location: One Wachovia Center, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28288-0013
Birthplace: September 1960
College: B.A. in Psychology, Davidson College First job unrelated to your current field: College recruiting manager, human resources First job in current field: Training and development recruiting manager, Florida Bank Hobbies: Community School of the Arts and child care resources. What your firm does and its plans for the future? Building and sustaining communities together. Lending a helpful hand when it’s needed. Through shared commitment and knowledge with our community partners, we can achieve uncommon things, together. Wachovia is committed to building strong and vibrant communities, improving quality of life, and making a positive difference where we live and work We focus resources and employee talents on two key priorities; improving education and strengthening neighborhoods.