Professional Profile: Seth Rosenblum 2017

Name: Seth Rosenblum - 2017
Title: CEO / Principal Broker
Company: The Rosenblum Companies
Location: Albany, NY
Birthplace: Albany, NY
Family: Wife, four children
College: Boston University
First job unrelated to your current field: Solo IT consultant / website developer
First job in current field: Assistant property manager in Boston, Mass.
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? The Rosenblum Companies is a developer and full service owner-operator of premier commercial properties in the Capital Region. Today, our commercial real estate portfolio includes top industrial, retail, mixed-use and office properties. We don’t aspire to be the biggest but to scale wisely, ensuring our continued ability to provide the outstanding quality and customer service that has been our hallmark since 1979.
Hobbies: Pro formas (but really…time with family)
Favorite film: “Coming to America”
Favorite novel: “Where the Wild Things Are” (my youngest is three)
Keys to success: Simultaneously focusing on the big picture and the details
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Warren Buffett
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Proofreader or farmer