Professional Profile: Scott Donnelly 2007

Name: Scott Donnelly - 2007
Title: Director of sales & marketing
Company: Integrated Business Systems, Inc. (IBS)
Location: 81 Two Bridges Rd., Fairfield, NJ 07004
Birthplace: New York City, May, 1958
Family: 15 and 11 year old sons College: Pace University First job outside of real estate: Office boy in a Xerox copy center First job in real estate or allied field: ADP Fast Rents What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? We are providing enterprise level property management and accounting software. We have recently completed a browser version of the product and will be ramping up our sales efforts first in the New York area and then nationally. Hobbies: Major Yankee and football Giants fan, music, working out, long distance bike riding and rollerblading Favorite book: "The Godfather" Favorite movie: “The Godfather" and The Lord lithe Rings Trilogy Person you admire most (outside of family): Paul McCartney Keys to success: Hard work and positive attitude If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Center fielder for the New York Yankees