Professional Profile: Scott Burdett 2017

Name: Scott Burdett - 2017
Title: Vice President – Brokerage Services, Associate Broker
Company: Flaum Management Company Inc.
Location: Rochester, NY
Birthplace: Rochester, NY
Family: Wife, Christina; daughters, Mary, Annie; son, Will
College: James Madison University – Harrisonburg, VA
First job in current field: Marketing associate
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: Our firm develops retail, office and industrial properties across Upstate New York and New Jersey as well as providing full-service landlord and tenant representation services across all asset classes in Upstate N.Y. and Western Pa. Our company also provides property management services across Upstate N.Y.
Hobbies: Boating, golf, running
Favorite film: “The Secret of my Success”
Keys to success: Dedication, perseverance, perspective, knowledge
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Lawyer