Professional Profile: Sandra Nystrom 2005

Name: Sandra Nystrom - 2005
Title: Director of Business Development
Company: Alexander Wolf & Son General Contractors and Construction Managers
Location: 211 East 43rd St., New York, NY 10017
Birthplace: London, England
Family: One son, music major at the University of Miami College: Moore College of Art, BFA First job outside of real estate: Designing and selling textiles First job in real estate or allied field: Martin R. Nystrom Architect What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: General contracting and construction management for the restoration and renovation of institutional and commercial buildings. We will be celebrating our 100th year in business in 2005 with family, friends, and our many valued clients. We look forward to many more years of growth working in the New York City area and surrounding boroughs Hobbies: Drawing and painting in my Woodstock, N.Y. studio Favorite book: "Reading Lolita in Tehran" Favorite movie: "The Remains of the Day" Person you most admire (outside of family): Thomas O’Gorman, textile executive, a man I worked with for many years who was very successful, had an incredibly positive attitude and believed in me. Keys to success: A positive attitude and hard work If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Career advising