Professional Profile: Sam Nidenberg 2016

Name: Sam Nidenberg - 2016
Title: Associate
Company: Metropolitan Realty Associates
Location: New York, NY
Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY
Education: Hamilton College (BA in Economics and Mathematics)
First job: Lifeguard for the town of Huntington
First job in real estate or allied field: Investment analyst at Greenfield Partners
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I am working for Metropolitan Realty Associates, helping to identify new acquisition opportunities in order to grow our platform and build up assets under management. As for the future…world domination or early retirement, whichever comes first.
How do you unwind from a busy day? Get together with friends
Favorite book or author: “Liar’s Poker” by Michael Lewis
Favorite movie: “Reservoir Dogs” by Quentin Tarantino
Last song you purchased/downloaded? “The Men Amongst Mountains” album by The Revivalists
One word to describe your work environment: Dynamic
Rules to live by in business: Work hard, be accountable, and teach others, the rest will fall into place; and only work on deals that close.
If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead, but not related to you) who would it be and where would you go? I would invite Levon Helm to dinner at Peter Luger Steak House
What is your DREAM job? (something other than your current job) Teacher or restaurateur