Professional Profile: Ruth Mulford 2008

Name: Ruth Milford - 2008
Title: Regional Vice President, Empire State Chapter
Company: Associated Builders & Contractors
Location: 33 Comac Loop, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Birthplace: New Orleans, La.
College: A.A.S., Dental Hygiene, Broome County Community College; B.S., Vocational Education, SUNY, Oswego; C.A.S., Educational Administration, SUNY, Oswego First job outside of real estate: Dental assisting instructor, Os.Boces First job in real estate or allied field: Director of Business Industry Training, DLEA Apprenticeship Programs, Os.Co.Boces, director, SUNY Oswego Business/Industry Center, Phoenix, N.Y. What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? 58 year old non-profit trade organization, 24,000 members nationally, promotes open opportunity and free enterprise within the construction industry by interacting with government at a local, statewide and national basis, provides job opportunity networking, workforce development, legal advocacy, employee benefit programs and many other benefits to contractors who choose a non-union path. In the future: ABC will lead the construction industry by promoting and defending the guiding principles of the "merit shop" and free enterprise. Simply put: "merit shop" is the belief that any company can compete for work based upon the merits of their work, not their labor affiliation. Hobbies: Photography, golf, boating, travel, fishing, pets, reading