Professional Profile: Rudy Frank 2012

Name: Rudy Frank - 2012
Title: Partner
Company: AKF Group, LLC
Location: Princeton, N.J.
Birthplace: New Jersey
Family: Married, two kids College: College of Engineering, Rutgers University First job unrelated to your current field: Landscaping First job in current field: AKF What your firm does now and its plans for the future? AKF is a full-service consulting engineering firm and sustainable design is a huge focus within our practice. As projects have become more complex and technically demanding, we have created an unparalleled series of specialty services in addition to our core MEP/FP services, all of which have allowed the firm to become a single source provider to our clients throughout the life cycle of their buildings - from initial infrastructure installation to ongoing operations and maintenance. Hobbies: Reading, soccer, vacationing Favorite novel: "Lord of Rings Trilogy" by J. R. R. Tolkien. Favorite film: "Lincoln" Keys to success: Being a good listener Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Winston Churchill, Colin Powell