Professional Profile: Ronald Welsch 2008

Name: Ronald Welsch - 2008
Title: President Facilities Management
Company: Citadel Construction Corp.
Location: 220 Fifth Ave., 2nd Floor
Birthplace: Staten Island, NY - 1953
Family: Widowed, 3 daughters College: Kean University First job outside of real estate: New York City Police Officer First job in real estate or allied field: Property Manager What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? In addition to managing the day-to-day activities of our Facilities Management division, my goal is to grow our national portfolio of LEED certified projects and then of course enjoy my retirement. Hobbies: Golf Favorite book: "Profiles in Courage" Favorite movie: "Shane" Keys to success: Treating all people with respect If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Professional golfer