Professional Profile: Ronald Mucci 2014

Name: Ronald Mucci - 2014
Title: Chief Financial Officer
Company: Longley Jones Management Corp./Syracuse Securities Inc.
Location: 5000 Campuswood Drive, East Syracuse, NY
Birthplace: Syracuse, NY
Education: BS Accounting First job outside real estate: Tax & audit professional in public accounting. First job in real estate: Financial officer at Pyramid Management Group. What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Maintain financial integrity of the companies and work towards continued growth. How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate? Usually recap the day by reading the WSJ and then relax with my family, or enjoy a dinner out with my wife Heidi. Favorite book: "1984" Favorite movie: "Goodfellas" Last song downloaded? Miscellaneous Dave Matthews songs One word to describe your work environment? Effective and efficient, with a strong core group of people. Rules to Live by in business? Maintain a strong work ethic and always strengthen current and potential professional relationships.