Professional Profile: Robert Freedman 2008

Name: Robert Freedman - 2008
Title: Principal Broker
Company: RLF Realty
Location: 40 Colvin Ave., Albany, NY 12206
Birthplace: Albany, N.Y.
Family: Wife, Elaine; children: David and Hope; grandson: Evan College: Russell Sage College First job outside of real estate: Collection department, finance company First job in real estate or allied field: Licensed sales agent at Larner - Elkind Realtors What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: Continue to represent buyers & sellers and landlords & tenants in the purchase, sale and leasing of all types of commercial, industrial and investment properties. Hobbies: Golf and model railroading Favorite book: Any book by John Grisham Person you admire most (outside of family): John F. Kennedy Keys to success: Honesty and service to clients If you had to choose another vocation what would it be: Lawyer